Here is the breakdown:
Cash Savings: this is a big jump in saving of $1557.23. Within this cash saving I am currently saving an emergency fund that is at about $9,537.23 which is in a money market account. The other is starting to go towards a house down payment and other month to month bills and living expenses.
Stocks/Brokerage: took a bit of a dip this month. Most of this is wrapped up in stock from a past employer. Its from a employee stock option plan that I was able to buy the stock at a 15% discount and I was really sitting good about a year ago. The stock itself has gone down more than 45% so at this point I think I am going to wait it out. I have just a small amount into a sharebuilder account with some quicksilver stock (ZQK).
Retirement 401k: continues to take a dip…I currently have one 401k with my old company that I haven’t rolled over yet which is taking a huge hit (-13.82%) $12,188. My other 401k with my new company is actually doing pretty well (+39.00%) $3,046.00.Retirement Roth IRA is down (-14.67%) to $3507.00 but I remain putting money into it. I feel like in the long run that this will be one of my best investments. I am currently trying to figure out how to put the $5,000.00 MAX in this year.
Credit Cards: $404.80 – this is just there because of flights I booked for our trip out to California in April, these will be paid off before interest is applied. I use credit cards for flights, big purchases or anything I need a warranty for. (since credit cards covers extended warranties)
Car Loan: Starting to think about putting more towards the minimal payment.
So I just keep rolling along and waiting for this market to turn around and get my retirement headed in the right instead of the wrong direction.