Another down month for our net worth, with our assets down -1.31% and overall percentage change being -3.88%. This is the FIRST TIME since I tracking my net worth that we had a falling net worth back to back months. It is also the biggest percentage drop since September 2009.
Lets break it down:
Cash & Savings: Down this month big...this is because my wife does not receive her regular pay check for July/August. We put money a side so that money goes into our budget but it comes from saving over the two months. She will be receiving a paycheck from her part time job which we will just be putting into savings. This might drop again over the next month for the same reason, along with summer vacations and have a lot of fun over the summer(smile).
Precious Metals: (Spot : Gold - $1485.00 / Silver - $33.77) (Gold/Silver Ratio: 43.97)(Dollar cost - 28.94) Another big down month for the metals portfolio, but this allows us to purchase more at a lower price. Currently, we are still buying monthly and the plan is still to keep buying until we see fiscal restrain from our government. Currently, this part of the portfolio feels the best. I sleep very well knowing we have invested in PMs (this could change, but as of right now I feel very good) Just my thoughts from the people I read and the feeling from them is that come this fall we could possibly see some fireworks in the metals market.
...we are currently investing mostly in silver which I plan to sell and purchase gold when the silver to gold ratio is 30/1 then 20/1 the finally 10/1 if it make it that far which I do believe it will at least reach 16/1(its historic ratio). I plan on always owning silver and gold bullion to pass along to my kids/grandchildren. We own silver as an investment and we hold gold as an insurance policy on our investments. We currently prefer to keep a percentage of our wealth in PMs instead of federal reserve paper(dollar bills).
Stocks/Brokerage: Pulled the trigger on (AG - FIRST MAJESTIC SILVER CORP @ $17.82) bought a initial position and might look to add if we see it back down near $18.00)
I am also looking into buying some options on (AUY) that I am still trying to figure out. Have also been thinking about getting in to some Natural gas plays like a Marathon(MRO) or Chesapeake Energy (CHK).
The list of stocks we currently own: (AG)(FVITF)(SLW)(SVM)(SSRI)(PAAS)(AAU)(DNN)(EXC)(PWE)(PHYS)(EGO)(AUY)((LYSCF)(RGLD)(XOM)(CVX).
*As you can see I am heavy in commodities in my brokerage account. This is all based on my thought that over the next decade the best investments are going to actually be in hard assets/natural resources. My Roth/IRA/401k are in pretty common index funds and mutual funds so I figure I can go more risky with brokerage. I believe these will out perform equities in the next decade and if nothing else I feel more comfortable with my portfolio being diverse. I am bearish on the US Dollar and US Economy, I believe that trillion dollar deficits are not going bode well for the USA.
Retirement 401k: This bracket is just both my wife and my retirement, adding money to our retirement funds every month.
Retirement IRA's: (Same as last month) Still having some cash on the sideline and will figure out what this market wants to do and see if I can put it to work. In this bracket I have all Vanguard Funds (VTSMX, VGSTX, VEIEX, VGPMX)
Real Estate: All units of our development have now sold. This is a huge relief as we were the second purchase out of the eight that were available. We will try and hedge our payments with trying to pay off the home in 10-15 yrs depending on what comes our way. This might change along the way depending on kids, economy, jobs and so forth.
Debts and Liabilities -
Credit Cards: Debt from couple monthly purchases - will be paid in full.
Car Loan: I am paying 4% APR on it so I am paying a little, but not a ton. When it hits 3k I might just write a check and pay it off. Will see how the economy and money goes the next couple of months.
Home Mortgage: Mostly paying interest on our home at the moment, so not much of a dent here.
So we have had a couple of down months and will be looking to have a positive month for July. I believe it might be hard unless the stock market helps us out. The cash(flow) situation is a bit tight for right now and will hopefully get back on track once the summer comes to an end. It is hard to save with everything we have going on this summer. We might just have to tighten our belts come the fall. We will be enjoying the rest of the summer and wait to see what comes our way...